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Backup Current Z-Wave Network

This option only works on the Z-NET and SmartStick+.

This article is recommended only if upgrading from another Z-Wave interface.

  1. In your HS3 web interface, open PLUG-INS, then Z-Wave, then select Controller Management.
  2. Expand the listing for your interface, then select Back Up this interface from the Actions menu.
  3. Rename the backup file (if desired) and click the START button (as shown below). The operation should only take a few seconds and the word "Done" will appear when complete. Note the name of this file for later. 
  4. Open PLUG-INS, then Z-Wave, then select Controller Management, and disable the interface by clicking the green check mark to the right of the interface name. A yellow and red crossed-out circle will appear, once the interface is disabled.

  5. Delete the interface from the software by clicking the delete button underneath the interface name. You must do this to avoid "Home ID" conflicts with Z-NET. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP and DO NOT ERASE YOUR EXISTING INTERFACE.
  6. Physically disconnect your existing interface from your system.
    1. Z-Troller: Disconnect the AC power supply and serial cable. REMOVE batteries.
    2. Z-Stick: Unplug the stick from its USB port. If the blue status light is blinking, then press its control button once.
  7. Store your existing interface in a safe place. This may be used as a backup should your Z-Wave interface were to ever fail.
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