Edit Existing Widget
This article will show you how to edit and existing widget on your dashboard.
On Android:
To edit an existing Widget, long-press on the name of the widget, wait for the menu to appear, then tap Edit Widget.
On the Edit Widget page, the check boxes on the right-hand side can be used to select what does and does not appear on the dashboard. You can also rename the widget to accurately describe the device, event, or camera being controlled.
If the device in the Widget is a binary on/off device, you will have a Widget Behavior section at the bottom, where you will see Use as toggle. This will turn a binary on/off device into a toggle switch as opposed to two buttons with one for On and one for Off.
Additionally, you can request confirmation to control so that the device is not accidentally turned on or off
On iOS:
Tap the name of your widget to bring up a menu, then select Edit Widget to bring up the Create/Edit Widget page
From here, you will see a sample image of a widget. Click the eye symbol in the various sections to hide or show the different properties of the widget.
Click Save in the upper right corner to save your changes or Cancel in the upper left corner to discard your changes.
If the device in the Widget is a binary on/off device, you will have a Widget Behavior section at the bottom, where you will see Use as toggle.This will turn a binary on/off device into a toggle switch as opposed to two buttons with one for On and one for Off.
You can also adjust the width of the widget, the height cannot be adjusted.