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Erasing a Z-Wave Controller

The erase operation deletes all Z-Wave information from your controller. It also removes the Z-Wave node ID from all of your existing Z-Wave devices. After this procedure, your devices will no longer function. You will need to re-add your devices. If you plan on restoring your Z-Wave node information from a backup file, use the "Restore a Network to this Interface option".

  1.  From the web interface, use the pull-down menus to navigate to the Z-Wave Controller Management page (Plugins> Z-Wave > Controller Management).
  2. Locate the “Z-Wave Interfaces” area and expand the Z-Wave Controller you want to erase. Open the “Actions:” menu and choose “ERASE this interface and Create a New Network”.
  3. A Popup will appear warning that the action will clear all node information. Click 'Ok'.
  4. A second confirmation message will be displayed indicating that the action cannot be undone. Click 'Confirm'.
  5. Click the ‘Start’ button below the Actions menu. Your network will now be erased and the Home ID reset.
  6. Once the action is complete restart the interface. Your interface is now clear and ready to be used to add or remove devices. 
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