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Factory Reset

This article will assist you in doing a factory restore on your HomeTroller SEL.


Make sure to make a backup of your HomeSeer HS3 or HS4 configuration before proceeding. All user data will be erased.

Restoring HomeTroller SEL to Factory Default

The HomeTroller SEL comes with a built in restore drive. This restore will set your system back to exactly how you received it (factory default). Doing a system restore will reset your HomeTroller SEL back to factory default and wipe all user data.

  1. Attach a monitor and keyboard to your HT-SEL.

  2. Restart your HomeTroller.
  3. Upon restart wait for the HomeSeer Start / Restore Menu to show.
  4. Select the System Restore option.
  5. Press Enter when it prompts to you select the restore option (ie SEL_SYSTEMRESTORE_XXXXXX)
  6. Your HomeTroller will restart once finished
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