Frequently asked questions about HomeSeer Mobile.
Where are my devices?
In the HS3 web interface, you will see many nodes divided into parent and child devices based on the features and functions for that hardware. The HomeSeer Mobile app attempts to group these child devices together so that the important controls are front and center.
I've removed a widget from my dashboard. Is it now gone forever?
Deleting widgets from your dashboard will not cause any harm, and that device, event, or camera can easily be re-added by finding it in the appropriate section of the app.
The controls for one device don’t display the same as they do for other devices or display differently between opening and closing the app. How do I control how these display?
From the HS3 web interface, you can click on the name of the device with controls that aren't displaying correctly. This will bring you to the Configuration tab for that device. You will want to then click on the Status Graphics tab, where you can adjust the Row, Column, and Column Span fields. Adjusting these will affect how the controls display in both the HS4 web interface and in HomeSeer Mobile.
Where are the associated control devices on my widgets? They show up on the device list but not the widget.
These devices are not displayed the same way on widgets as they are on the device list. They have been moved into the list of secondary devices displayed at the top of the widget and are represented with their status icons.
I created a dashboard while connected to a system through MyHS. Now I am connecting to it through an IP or Hostname, and I don’t see my dashboards. Where are they?
Dashboards are saved by session, not system. Connecting through MyHS is always considered a different session than if you are connecting directly via hostname or IP.
Should I be using MyHS to connect to my system or IP/Hostname?
Using MyHS will try to connect through Wi-Fi if you are on the same LAN or utilize the MyHS tunnel if you aren't. Connecting directly via IP/Hostname is available for those who do not want to use MyHS and prefer an offline system or to manage their own tunnel. If you do not have a specific reason for using IP/Hostname it is advised to connect through MyHS.