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HS3Touch Android Client

HS4Touch Designer is a Windows application that must be installed and run on a Windows PC or laptop.


  • Official releases may be found and installed using the Google Play Store, Apple App Store and Amazon Appstore.
  • Releases may also be manually downloaded and installed ("side-loaded") to Android devices if necessary using one of the following procedures. Note that it's not possible to side-load releases to Apple iOS devices.

Direct Download

  1. Open this page on the device you wish to update and click the download button below to download the installer package (.apk file) to your device
  2. Open a file explorer app on your device, locate the apk file and launch this installer package. Follow the prompts to complete the installation

Indirect Download

  1. click the download button below to download the installer package (.apk file) to your PC
  2. Copy this file to a blank SD card
  3. Insert SD card into your Android device and open a file explorer app on your device, locate the apk file and launch this installer package. Follow the prompts to complete the installation


  • Misc bug fixes

Error rendering macro 'aura-button' : Page loading failed
  • Fixed issue where you could not log in and received an empty "Select System" list (new issue in build 168)
  • Changes to support connecting to MyHS when server pooling is enabled. Previous versions will not work once server pooling is enabled.
  • Changed default app to notify user to load HomeSeer Mobile if they are not using the HS3Touch Designer. (Beta)
  • Added support for navigation on the Amazon Fire TV. You can use the DPAD to navigate and select your controls.
  • Fixed passcode being presented when screen was not passcode protected
  • Fixed passcode timeout setting not being honored
  • Images are cached per page to reduce memory use and speed up page draws
  • Fixed sliders not working in some projects
  • Fixed sliders not handling negative values
  • Fixed time not updating with custom projects
  • Fixed passcode screen not appearing

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