- HS-563,13024,SEL Licensing is Showing up as 0 and Users Cannot Register
- HS-626,13203,Unable to access list view
- HS-190,12440,No pan/tilt controls on camera view
- HS-419,12860,Error when installing plugin due to regional format settings
- HS-484,12930,Bulk Edit Needs Filter and Sorting
- HS-522,12976,Textbox entry on devices page does not call HSEvent on change
- HS-535,12989,Request to Change Display Order of Newly Introduced Action Enable/Disable Button
- HS-538,12992,"""All"" filter option is still available - should be removed!"
- HS-547,13007,Add Ability to Update to Release and BETA on Zee and SEL
- HS-581,13044,Events get lost when system starts
- HS-614,13134,"Search function does not find counters, timers"
- HS-230,12480,Bulk edit needs filter
- HS-301,12638,Bulk Edit list needs to be sorted
- HS-302,12639,Bulk Edit Should Only Include filtered devices
- HS-420,12861,ColorPicker control problem in devices page
- HS-424,12865,color picker doesn't update correctly
- HS-427,12868,HTML in log entries breaks log display
- HS-452,12895,Cancelling a Delayed device Action Fails
- HS-455,12898,Missing logout from tools menu
- HS-463,12907,Direct links to device page cause blank page
- HS-466,12910,HS3 plugins do not have access to the config page
- HS-492,12942,Honeywell WiFi Thermostat plugin doesn't display Thermostats Correctly in Grid View
- HS-518,12971,HS4 upgrade plugins show as registered if HS3 version was regsitered
- HS-519,12973,Linux tools pages need to be converted to Bootstrap
- HS-521,12975,Plugin SDK Debug HSEvent called for CONFIG_CHANGE and sent to JowiHue
- HS-526,12980,The plugins page needs to have the ability to enter a Com port for HS3 plugins
- HS-533,12987,"Replace device filter tags ""3rd party tagsinput"" with Bootstrap tags"
- HS-536,12990,This device has been for at least event trigger unintended behavior
- HS-539,12993,Category filter list doesn't reflect existing categories that are being filtered
- HS-540,12996,Auto Update setting for event log does not stick on restart
- HS-541,12997,HS3 plugins on plugins page do not indicate if there is an update available
- HS-545,13005,HS3 plugins that use SupportsConfigDevice and SupportsConfigDeviceAll do not get a tab in device properties
- HS-549,13009,parameter disapear in ''run a command'' when trying to edit - double quote issue
- HS-561,13022,It probably shouldn't be possible to disable access for ADMIN users
- HS-562,13023,Unable to enter licence But can access system
- HS-564,13025,Devices grid view displays incorrect # for display results
- HS-565,13026,When registering HS4 plugins send over the plugin ID not the name
- HS-574,13037,Unintended Easter Egg? - Edit any value field in Setup and then hit ENTER on your keyboard
- HS-575,13038,Gmail Password field named incorrectly
- HS-580,13043,BCC is labeled as CC in email action settings
- HS-586,13049,Enabling or Disabling HSSentry Generates Incorrect Log Entry
- HS-595,13098,"Enabling ""Show Device Address"" breaks formatting on Device List Page"
- HS-620,13144,"If a speaker client is selected in an event and that speaker client disconnects, it cannot be removed"
- HS-622,13146,HS Sentry is missing
- HS-625,13202,Categories cannot be assigned to features
- HS-414,12854,Update available icon showing incorrectly