HS-597,New registration code to support HS3 to HS4 token transfer
HS-592,Speaker Client password stored in plain text - security issue
HS-657,Plugins like hubitat not installing correctly
HS-660,updater_override.json does not work on Linux
HS-667,Buttons on grid view are overlapping
HS-655,HS3 plugins display on shop page if no filter set
HS-649,Request to show all Legacy Plugins on the Shop.html Page By Default
HS-593,Event Group Accordion Carets Wrong When Page Loads
HS-624,Energy Page appears with no graph | Energy feature (as well as Tools menu option) should be disabled by default
HS-617,Request to add DELETE button to event detail screen
HS-616,Event Trigger Groups Should be Clustered in a More Obvious Way
HS-615,Event Group Section Needs a few tweaks
HS-613,"Search" results page Needs a few Tweaks"
HS-611,"Search Results For:" should not be displayed in a section header"
HS-608,Header Sections on Users & Categories Setup Pages Should Match Other Setup Pages
HS-609,About page changes
HS-604,Request to rearrange buttons for master event functions
HS-646,Log Color Style Does Not Work
HS-645,Log Colors Feature Broken and Confusing
HS-637,Can't Create Triggers From Root Devices
HS-621,Event trigger label collapses to display trigger value instead
HS-635,HTML break tag and bold tag not honored from HS3 devices
HS-607,Default Entry Field Sizes Should Be Established
HS-601,Request to reorganize event action buttons (slightly)
HS-590,Request to add event name to ""Delete Event"" pop-up
HS-631,Search Button Doesn't Work From the Search Results Page
HS-627,HS Sentry restarts if HS4 is shut down
HS-415,Capitalization of Event Triggers and Trigger Types
HS-345,There is no UI feedback when manually running an Event
HS-191,Add spinner to cameras to indicate that they are loading
HS-643,Remove password change page for standard Linux
HS-633,Could not load the file 'HomeSeerUtil'
HS-629,ASPX page not loading with DLL error
HS-630,parameter disappear in ''run a command'' when trying to edit - double quote issue
HS-187,Change CANCEL to CLOSE in the Edit Configuration popup