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HS-745,13451,Search always displays a 404 page
HS-102,12340,Attempting to scroll on mobile interface can control sliders
HS-658,13250,HS4 For Zee S2 does not have WiFi settings
HS-652,13240,"when a ""OR IF"" is deleted all associated ""AND IF"" should be deleted as well"
HS-752,13500,Color Picker does not open as expected from device ListView
HS-811,13704,There's No Way to Upgrade HS4 License
HS-57,12278,Additional data is not replaced in controls
HS-36,12251,Filter out control-only controls from event triggers
HS-778,13530,Big 5 plugin action not visible
HS-747,13456,Can't Save Multiple Device Actions in a Single Action
HS-779,13531,Importing HS3 and some delayed device actions are missing
HS-651,13239,HS4 help page missing information
HS-685,13345,Issues updating and installing plugins on Linux
HS-804,13636,Backup/Restore shows code when no date is selected
HS-750,13459,UnregisterDeviceIncPage NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented
HS-597,13101,Token transfer when upgrading from HS3 to HS4 not working
HS-707,13388,System Profile is missing License ID
HS-715,13400,Phrase Trigger Won't Save
HS-720,13408,No Way To Save or Delete Group Conditions & Group Actions
HS-700,13372,"""Normal"" user apparently has ""Admin"" rights"
HS-681,13332,"""Nighttime"" Event Condition doesn't work"
HS-527,12981,"Entering ""\"" as a device filter Breaks The Device Page Entirely!"
HS-518,12971,HS4 upgrade plugins show as registered if HS3 version was regsitered
HS-753,13501,Right hand side of Color Picker is hidden for some windows size
HS-773,13525,"""Add Device"" Presents Inconsistent/confusing Choices to the User"
HS-772,13524,Gray Header Bar Collapsed in mobile view of Categories & Users setup screens
HS-786,13604,Unable to save event when adding multiple devices
HS-748,13457,Event Action Device String Needs to be Moved to Advanced Features
HS-803,13633,HSEvent different behavior in HS4 compared to HS3
HS-805,13637,Capitalize the B in Backup/Restore off Tools Menu
HS-746,13455,Scheduler.Util.Devices unit tests
HS-723,13413,Users reporting events disappearing
HS-785,13603,Devices and events json file is getting corrupted
HS-765,13515,Timers and counters disappearing
HS-221,12471,No way to delete or clear event group conditions
HS-624,13201,"Energy Page appears with no graph | Energy feature (as well as Tools menu option) should be disabled by default"
HS-452,12895,Cancelling a Delayed device Action Fails
HS-503,12953,Hide from All Views Does Not Work for Features
HS-358,12707,"""Display Location 1 First"" Setting Doesn't Work"
HS-735,13432,Menus are displaying with incorrect sizing
HS-303,12640,Encrypted scripts showing in events which are then corrupted on save
HS-799,13625,Add backup/restore functionality
HS-276,12611,It's possible to enter negative numbers in time fields
HS-794,13615,Error in BuildDeviceList when 0 devices in the system

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