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HS-832,13792,Feature tab in device properties is duplicating features
HS-737,13439,dropdown select list are duplicated in Grid view
HS-741,13445,Icons stack in mobile view
HS-682,13333,There's no way to de-select weekend condition
HS-584,13047,Long plugin names overlap caret on plugin drop down menu
HS-831,13780,Unable to select a linked device
HS-834,13794,Cannot save some log settings
HS-838,13809,Strange symbol in the Tools/About page
HS-839,13811,Backup is failing
HS-837,13797,Cannot delete manual cameras
HS-835,13795,Device user access not honored on device page
HS-840,13819,Change the default login setting to require a login
HS-134,12377,Plugins that crash and error displayed with a default warning status
HS-833,13793,Log is missing end time
HS-836,13796,Non admin user has access to device properties
Fixes to the edit status graphics page
Color picker not always displaying
MyHS user is logged into HS when connected remotely
Hid search X (clear) icon when no search is active, on devices, log and shop pages
Allow network paths for backup locationsAdded reset to default button for backup location
Fixed some formatting on license text
A new install on windows now forces the user to log in with user "default"

Important Changes:

When installing a fresh install on Windows the user MUST enter the default system password to log in. This is an enhancement to security. The default login is USER:default PASS:default

Also, if connecting through MyHS, the logged in user is passed to HomeSeer. If this user does not exist you will be logged in as guest. Make sure you add your MyHS user to HomeSeer.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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