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Installing a Legacy (HS3) Plugin


The HS4 software has a suite of new plugins designed to take advantage of new features and functions, but your HS3 plugins will continue to work as well! The steps below will walk you through installing these legacy plugins. If you run into any issues with the plugins, please contact the plugin authors by locating their sub-forum here.


  1. From the HS4 web interface, navigate to Plugins > Add.
  2. Below the Featured and HS4 Plugins sections, you will find Legacy Plugins. All HS3 plugins are listed here, you may also use the search function at the top of the page to look for a specific plugin.
  3. Simply click the plugin in the Legacy Plugins section, then you will be presented with links to the store page, support forum, release notes, and finally an Install button. Click Install.
  4. You will see a popup indicating that the plugin installed successfully, then you will be brought to the Installed Plugins page after clicking OK.
  5. Click the slide bar in the bottom right of the plugin card to enable the plugin. You are now ready start setting up and configuring it!


  1. Navigate to Plugins > Installed and you will see a list of all plugins that are currently installed.
  2. If a plugin has an update available, you will see a cloud icon next to its version number. Click this to start the update.
  3. The plugin will take a moment to install its update and you should see the new version number listed when the update is complete. If the update does not complete successfully, you will receive a message to check Tools > Log for errors. A common fix for plugins not updating is to disable the plugin, then attempt to update it.

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