IP Camera FAQ
Frequently asked questions about using IP Cameras on HomeSeer Mobile.
Why does HomeSeer Mobile need special permissions?
In order to add the HomeSeer IP Cameras to HomeSeer, the camera needs to be made aware of your home Wi-Fi connections. Both Amazon Echo and Google Home are set up in this way and like these devices, the HomeSeer IP Cameras do not have a screen or other input methods for one to tell it which Wi-Fi network to connect to.
Is HomeSeer recording any of my location information? Why do I need to grant access to location data?
No, Homeseer Mobile is not recording your location using this permission. This is required by the Android operating system so that the app can scan the wireless state of the device, which is used for camera configuration.
What do I do if my camera doesn't blink after holding RESET for 5 seconds?
Check and make sure that the camera is fully plugged in. If it is, try unplugging it, then plugging it back in. If issues still persist, reach out to our technical support team here.
My camera will not detect the QR code in my app, what can I do?
First, you will want to turn the brightness on your phone or tablet to its max setting. It may be necessary to tilt your screen at different angles for it to be seen.