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Remove Device

Information on removing Z-Wave devices from your network


If you have decided that you would no longer like to use a given Z-Wave device, the procedure below will allow you to take it out of your system. This process is also an essential troubleshooting step should you experience any issues with adding or the general use of your Z-Wave hardware too. Z-Wave devices should only be removed using these steps, as any other method will not fully clear the device and its data from your system.


  1. Navigate to Plugins > Z-Wave > Remove Devices
  2. Click or tap Continue in step 1, then wait for the prompt to activate the "Remove from Network" function on your device.
  3. After you see the exclusion prompt, manually activate the exclusion process on your Z-Wave device. If you are unsure of what this process is, consult that device's documentation.
  4. Once HS4 and your device see each other, they will exchange data and this can be seen in the log entries on screen.
  5. If completed successfully, you will see the message "Exclude process SUCCEEDED removing device". If not, you will see an indication that the removal failed. Click Details to see more information.


As mentioned in the overview, Z-Wave devices should only be removed using this process. Attempting to delete Z-Wave devices from the Devices page will leave that device data in your Z-Wave network, and it will be brought back to your Devices page the next time you add or remove a Z-Wave device.

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