Restore Z-Wave Network
This option only works on a select number of Z-Wave Interfaces
This option is recommended only if upgrading from another Z-Wave interface.
- In the web interface, open the PLUG-INS drop menu, then Z-Wave, then select Controller Management.
- Expand the listing for your new Z-NET, then select Restore a Network to this Interface from the Actions menu.
- Choose the file you created here, confirm and start the restore. Your existing Z-Wave network information will be written to your Z-NET. Click the Close button when this operation is done.
- At this point, Z-NET should be able to control only devices that are within direct range, since the routing table was not included in the backup/restore function. To confirm this, open the Actions menu again and select Test Node Connectivity on a Network, then click Start.You should see a mixture of "successfully contacted" and "did not respond" messages, unless all nodes are within direct range of your Z-NET.
- Rebuilding the Routing Table: open the Actions menu and select Optimize a Network, No Return Route Changes and then click Start. This will begin the process of rebuilding your routing table, one node at a time. This may take some time to complete, depending on the size of your network. We recommend running this function at least twice to build a reliable network.
- Adding Return Routes: open the Actions menu and select Fully Optimize a Network. This will finalize the process of building your routing table by adding return routes from your devices back to your Z-NET or SmartStick+.