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Update Firmware

Information on how to update your Z-Wave device firmware.


The firmware on many Z-Wave device's can be updated. The Update Device Firmware function allows you to update one device at a time. If you wish to update multiple identical devices at once, we recommend using Z-Flash. The firmware file will be required to update the device using this function.


  1. Obtain the firmware file you wish to use and save it to a location on your computer's hard drive. If you download a file with a web browser, it will normally save to your downloads folder.
  2. Access the HS4 web interface and navigate to Plugins→ Z-Wave→ Update Device Firmware
  3. Select the device to be updated via the drop down menu, click Continue.
  4. In Step 2, browse for the firmware file you wish to flash to your device by clicking the Upload Firmware File icon.
  5. Confirm that you do want to flash the firmware file in Step 3
    Note: Flashing the incorrect or bad firmware files can cause your device to be inoperable. Proceed at your own risk.
  6. The firmware flashing can take anywhere from 1 to 10 minutes depending on the size of the file.
  7. Once complete, you can preview the results and go back to your device list by clicking Finish.


The accepted file types are .gbl .hec and .hex

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