Using VNC for Local or Remote Access
Using VNC to access your S6 for local or remote access.
RealVNC is a freeware software tool that will allow you to access the Windows® interface of the HomeTroller from any remote computer via home network (LAN) or the internet (WAN). The HomeTroller is shipped with RealVNC pre-installed for remote access.
To Access the HomeTroller from Any Computer on your Home Network
- Open any Java-compatible browser and in the address box enter "HomeTroller:5900". Alternately, you can use the LAN IP address for your HomeTroller. Example: "".
- If a security message appears, click Run.
- Click OK in the VNC Viewer: Connection Details box that appears.
- In the VNC Authentication box, enter the password hsthst and click Enter. The Windows interface for the HomeTroller should now appear.
To Access the HomeTroller from Any Computer Outside of your Home Network
- Open any Java-compatible browser and in the address box enter http://[IP Address]:5800 (where [IP Address] represents the physical or virtual internet IP Address for your HomeTroller). Example: "77.324.445.103:5900" or "".
- If a security message appears, click Run.
- Click OK in the VNC Viewer: Connection Details box that appears.
- In the VNC Authentication box, enter the password hsthst and click Enter. The Windows interface for the HomeTroller should now appear.
Note: If your internet connection is protected by a firewall or router, you'll need to open port 5900 to allow internet access to your HomeTroller. Check with your firewall or router manufacturer for details on how to do this.
Note: VNC Viewer can also be downloaded and used as an application on your remote computer to access your HomeTroller.