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Windows and HomeTroller S6 Upgrade

Instructions on upgrading a Windows system or HomeTroller S6 from HS3 to HS4


If you've been automating your home with HS3 on Windows and have purchased an upgrade to HS4, thank you for your patronage! The instructions below will walk you through installing HS4 on your PC. If you run into any questions or issues, please reach out to us here

NOTE: If you are upgrading from HS3, make sure you have your HS3 license ID and password, you will need this when registering HS4. If you don't have them you can request them from here.

Backing up HS3

  1. It is essential that you create a copy of your entire HomeSeer HS3 program folder. The default file path is C:\Program Files (x86)\HomeSeer HS3, be sure to make a note of the install location. Save this copy on your desktop or a flash drive (or both). If this initial copy is not created and something goes wrong in the upgrade process, you will need to recreate your setup in HS4.
  2. Within your HomeSeer HS3 program folder, open the Config folder and delete users.cfg and users.cfg.temp. Depending on whether file extensions are hidden or exposed on your PC, you may instead see the files above or users and users.cfg. If so, delete these two files.
  3. In the HS3 web interface, navigate to Tools > Setup, then locate the Configuration section. Make a note of the .hsd file currently selected in the drop-down menu and do not change it. 
  4. Finally, shut down the HS3 software.

Installing and Setting up HS4 (Preferred Method)

  1. Using this method you will end up with an HS4 system that has all of your plugins installed and configured. If for some reason HS4 does not start or your data is not imported correctly, uninstall HS4 and try the alternate method.
  2. Uninstall HS3 from Add/Remove programs. Select No when prompted to remove HomeSeer HS3 settings and temporary files.  This will prevent the removal of anything you added to your system such as plugins, data, or config files.
  3. Now run the HS4 installer and when it asks for a target directory, select the folder where HS3 is installed. By default this would be C:\Program Files (x86)\HomeSeer HS3
  4. Complete the HS4 install.
  5. A shortcut to the HS4.exe will be on your desktop so launch that. You should be brought to the license registration page where you can enter your license.
  6. After HS4 starts, go into Setup then click the Edit Config button and select your HS3 config to IMPORT it. It will be named something with .hsd and Import in the name. This will bring in your devices and events.
  7. NOTE: If you are having trouble viewing devices in HomeSeer Mobile, make sure the user you are logging in with, typically MyHS, is added as a User in HS4.

Installing and Setting up HS4 (Alternate Method)

  1. Install HS4 on your PC and do not install it over the HS3 installation folder.
  2. Once HS4 is installed, open it up and then close the HS4 program window so that HS4 is no longer running and cannot be connected to from Completing the following steps while HS4 is running will cause issues.
  3. Copy the contents of the Config folder in HomeSeer HS3 to the Config folder in HomeSeer HS4. When asked, select Replace the files in the destination
  4. Next, move onto the Data folder in HomeSeer HS3 and copy its contents into the Data folder in HomeSeer HS4. When asked, select Replace the files in the destination
  5. Now, start the HS4 software again and register it
  6. Finally, click on the Setup tab in the HS4 web interface. From here, click the Edit Config button.
  7. Click Switch and you will be presented with all of the .hsd files you copied over. Select the one you made a note of in step 4 of Backing up HS3. You will receive a warning that this will overwrite data, click Yes
  8. NOTE: This process will NOT move over your plugins. In HS4 click on the plugins menu and install any plugins that you need. Since you already brought over config data the plugins should run as they did before.
  9. NOTE: If you are having trouble viewing devices in HomeSeer Mobile, make sure the user you are logging in with, typically MyHS, is added as a User in HS4.

You will receive a prompt that the configuration has been loaded and you should be all set! Because we moved over the information from the Config folder, your plugins should be all set up as they were. You are now ready to take advantage of HS4!

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