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Give a device ref (or list of comma separated refs), the features of the device are scanned to find the feature that has the given control use value set on its control pairs. If found, that pair is used to control the device.

value is used when the control use accepts a value such as DIM.

string is used for setting a color.

Control Use values:

Public Enum ePairControlUse
        Not_Specified = 0
        _On = 1
        _Off = 2
        _Dim = 3
        _On_Alternate = 4
        _Play = 5
        _Pause = 6
        _Stop = 7
        _Forward = 8
        _Rewind = 9
        _Repeat = 10
        _Shuffle = 11
        _HeatSetPoint = 12
        _CoolSetPoint = 13
        _ThermModeOff = 14
        _ThermModeHeat = 15
        _ThermModeCool = 16
        _ThermModeAuto = 17
        _DoorLock = 18
        _DoorUnLock = 19
        _ThermFanAuto = 20
        _ThermFanOn = 21
        _ColorControl = 22
        _DimFan = 23
        _MotionActive = 24
        _MotionInActive = 25
        _ContactActive = 26
        _ContactInActive = 27
        _Mute = 28
        _UnMute = 29
        _MuteToggle = 30
        _Next = 31
        _Previous = 32
        _Volume = 33
    End Enum

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