A page contains a list of Views that users can interact with to interface with a plugin. The content should be a cohesive set of items that share a common characteristic. Better organization of content leads to more intuitive usability.
Titles should clearly and succinctly describe the content of the page they represent. They appear in a single row, and any text that would need to wrap onto a second line will instead be truncated.
Avoid including the type of a page in its name, such as: "Basic Settings," or "Add Z-Wave Device Feature."
Keep page titles short; 24 characters or less will ensure they fit on all screen sizes
Don't use a long title that is truncated on smaller screens
Tab Bar
The tab bar is only used in the settings section of plugins when multiple settings pages have been registered for that plugin. There is no limit to the number of pages that can be presented in a tab bar. When there are more than 3 tabs, the list of tabs will be able to be scrolled horizontally.
Viewsare the different components used to make up a page. All views are presented in a single column, pre-formatted to optimize usability. Formatting options are limited to ensure that the user experience is consistent across the entire HomeSeer platform. If there are more views than the current screen size can contain, the page will become scrollable.
There is a standard of 16dp of margin around the edges of pages and between views.
There are two different types of pages as defined by the enum.