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Configuring Zee S2 WiFi

Configuring the Wi-Fi Adapter

The Zee S2 comes with built-in Wi-Fi. If you wish to connect your HomeTroller to your home network using Wi-Fi, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the TOOLS drop menu and click Setup
  2. Click the Network tab. 
  3. In the Wi-Fi settings section, enter the SSID (Wi-Fi network name) of your Wi-Fi. This is case sensitive.
  4. Choose your encryption type and enter your Wi-Fi password. Keep Enable DHCP checked. 
  5. Go to TOOLS > System > Shutdown System and shut the system down.
  6. Unplug the power and Ethernet cables. Now reconnect the power and let the system boot. 
  7. Using any browser-enabled device, access Your Wi-Fi connected HomeTroller Zee S2 should now be accessible!
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