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Connecting with HS4Touch through MyHS

Instructions on connecting to your system via HS4Touch through MyHS.

Configuring HS4Touch Mobile App with MyHS


Unless you have HS4Touch Designer and have created a custom interface, you will want to use our other app, HomeSeer Mobile instead.

On Android

  1. Download and install the HS4Touch mobile app from the Google Play store.
  2. Launch HS4Touch and choose Settings from the three dot ( ⋮ ) menu.
  3. Tap MyHS and enter your MyHS username and password.
  4. Launch HS4Touch and choose MyHS if prompted to select a connection method.

On iOS

  1. Download and install the HS4Touch mobile app from the Apple App store.
  2. Access the Settings app in your device and open the HS4Touch settings.
  3. Tap MyHS, then enter your username and password.
  4. Launch HS4Touch and choose MyHS if prompted to select a connection method.
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