CSharp Scripting
Scripts can also be written in C#. This is supported on both Windows and Linux and offers much more performance over vb.net scripting on Linux.
C# scripts use the extension .cs. An example script:
public object Main(object[] Parms)
hs.WriteLog("CSHARP","From C# script");
String s = DateTime.Now.ToString("ddd");
hs.WriteLog("C#","Day: " + s);
return 0;
C# may also be used as script statements. Script statements start with an &, and C# scripts also need one other character to tell the script engine if it is a sub or a function. If the statement returns a value, then us "f", else if it does not return a value, use "s". For example, this sub simply writes to the log:
This statement returns a value:
The scripting system knows when a script statement is C# by looking for a terminating semicolon ";". If one does not exist, it assumes either VBScript (for Windows), or VB.Net (for Linux)
C# is considerably faster on Linux than VB.Net for script statements.
Iif you need to add references to other DLL files, use the following syntax to reference a file, this example references the visualbasic DLL:
The ScriptingReferences INI entry is for vb.net only.
//css_reference Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll;
Note that you need the entire string even though it looks like its commented out.