Device and feature settings may be added or edited by clicking on the device or feature name. In the example below,Multi-sensoris the device name. Clicking onTemperaturewould open the settings for the temperature feature.
Before naming a device or feature, consider all the attributes that are associated with that name and be sure to construct them in a logical way using this syntax: [ Location 2 ][ Location 1 ][ Device Name ][ Feature Name ]
Setting the location
Each feature of a device in the list represents a feature of the physical hardware. Although most devices won't need to be modified after inclusion, If changing a device's location settings, ensure that the device and all of its features have the same values for locations 1 & 2. Looking at the device above, the device and its features are all labeled as being First Floor (Location 2) and in the Living Room (Location 1). If a device's features have different location values, this may cause issues with display information in HS4 and HS Mobile and with integrations like Google Home, Alexa, and IFTTT.
Example: Here's how the device features First FloorLiving Room ThermostatHeating Setpoint would appear in event triggers and actions:
ClickADD CATEGORYbutton to add categories to your devices or features.
Voice Command Features
Check theVoice Command Enabledbox to make this device or feature available for voice commands.Voice Command Confirmshould be checked if you wish to provide a confirmation before the command is carried out. By default, voice commands should include the location and device or feature name. However, theVoice Command (Alexa/Google)text field can be used to create a custom voice command that will be used instead by Alexa and Google smart speakers.
Location attributes are set to Floor and Room by default. ClickSELECT FLOORandSELECT ROOMto assign your devices or features to the appropriate locations.
Other Settings
Is Light: Check this box if this is an ON/OFF device and you wish to have it appear as a light (instead of a switch) in the Amazon's Alexa mobile app.
Hide from Mobile Views: Check this box to prevent the device or feature from displaying in HomeSeer Mobile.
Hide from All Views: Check this box to prevent the device or feature from displaying in the HS4 web interface or HomeSeer Mobile.
Do Not Log:Check this box to prevent this device from generating log entries.
Include in Power Fail Recovery:Check this box if you wish to include this device in a power fail recovery option.
Last Change Time Updates on Status Change Only: Check this box if you want theLast Change Timeto update only when the device status changes.
User Access
This feature may be used to limit access to a device or feature. By default,Anyis checked.
Linked Device
Device linking is useful when you want to control one device with another one. To enable this feature, open theSelect Devicemenu and choose the device you wish to link to. This feature works in one direction and with one device only. If you wish to synchronize devices, you'll need to link both devices to each other. It is possible to create a cascade of links with several devices. However, more complicated linking should be done using HS4 events.
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