Executing Single Script Statements
In the Advanced section of theRun Scriptaction, you can add a single script statement. This allows you to execute script commands without creating a file. Statements are preceded with an ampersand (&) so HomeSeer knows to treat it as a statement. For example, the followingif then else logiccould be typed into the "OR Script Statement" field of the Run Script action:
For VBScripts and VB.Net scripting:
&if hs.ison(1234) then hs.SetDeviceValue 1234,0 Else hs.SetDeviceValue 1234, 100
&hs.SetDeviceString 5678,"Garage Open",false
Multiple statements may be added to the "OR Script Statement" field. Separate each statement with a colon (:).
Note: On Windows, you have the choice of using either the older VBScript engine for immediate scripts or the VB.NET script engine. To use VBScript format an immediate command as:
For example:
&hs.WriteLog "script","this is from vbscript"
For the VB.NET script engine use:
For example:
&nhs.WriteLog("script","this is from vb.net")
On Linux, VBScript is not support so you can use either "&" or "&N", and either one will execute the script using the VB.NET script engine.
On Linux and Windows, you can also use C# immediate scripts. On slower Linux systems, C# is much faster than VB.NET for immediate scripts. The format is:
&s (for calling a sub)
&f (for calling a function that returns a value)
For example:
See the CSharp scripting section for more information formatting C# scripts.