This function retrieves entries from the system log database and returns them as an array of LogEntry structures. This function provides filtering the entries using the date and priority.
Parameter: StartDate
Type: Date/Time
Description: This is the starting date for the log entries that you want retrieved. If you do not care about a starting date, use Date.MinValue
Parameter: EndDate
Type: Date/Time
Description: This is the ending (latest) date for the log entries that you want retrieved. If you do not care about an ending date, use Date.MaxValue
Parameter: Pri_Start
Type: Integer
Description: This is the starting priority for log entries to be retrieved. If you wish to retrieve log entries which are priority 1 through 5, provide a value of 1 here and a value of 5 in the Pri_End parameter. If you do not need to filter by priority, use the value -1.
Parameter: Pri_End
Type: Integer
Description: This is the ending priority value for the log entries to be retrieved. If you wish to retrieve log entries which are priority 1 through 5, provide a value of 1 in the Pri_Start parameter and a value of 5 in this parameter. If you do not need to filter by priority, use the value -1.
Parameter: Show_NoPri
Type: Boolean
Description: When set to True, unprioritized entries (Priority = 0) are included in the selection in addition to the priorities selected with Pri_Start and Pri_End.
Return value: LogEntry
Type: Array of Structure LogEntry
Description: See LogEntry Structure.
Sample Code
Function GetLog_Date_Priority(ByVal StartDate As Date, ByVal EndDate As Date, _
ByVal Pri_Start As Integer, ByVal Pri_End As Integer, ByVal Show_NoPri As Boolean) _
As LogEntry()
This example retrieves all log entries from a week ago to today, with a priority between 1 and 3 inclusive or unprioritized (Priority = 0):
Sample Code
Dim Logs() As HomeSeerAPI.LogEntry
Logs = hs.GetLog_Date_Priority(Now.AddDays(-7), Now, 1, 3, True)
If Logs IsNot Nothing AndAlso Logs.Count > 0 Then
hs.WriteLog("Info", Logs.Count.ToString & " log entries retrieved, and this just added another!")
End If