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How to Enable Amazon Cloud Access for Devices or Features

Information on enabling Amazon Alexa Cloud access for a device or a devices features.


Voice commands can be enabled by editing the settings of of a single device or by using the Bulk Edit feature or HS4.

  • To enable cloud discovery for a single device,
    1. Navigate to the settings for its device or for its feature(s),
    2. Check the Amazon Alexa Discovery checkbox:
      1. This will automatically check Local Voice Control

  • To enable cloud discovery for multiple devices,
    1. Enable bulk editing by clicking the Bulk Edit button.

    2. Check the check boxes next to the devices or features you wish to enable
      Note: If you check the device check box, the feature check boxes will also be checked by default. Be sure to un-check the feature check boxes before enabling voice for these devices.

    3. Open the Bulk Action menu at the top of the devices page and select Enable Amazon Alexa Discovery

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