Node Map Overview
How to use the node map.
Once you have connected to your system, Z-Seer+ will scan your Z-Wave network and will create a node map like the one pictured below. Each node block represents a Z-Wave device in your network. By default, node blocks are displayed left to right, top to bottom, in alphabetical order using location 1 (typically "Room"); a gap will is inserted between rooms.
- Node Map - This is where you will see all of the different nodes in your your system, represented by node boxes, explained below.
- Selected Node Info - More information than what is in the node boxes can be seen here, such as firmware version and supported Z-Wave classes, which let you know which different functions that device supports.
- Log - A real-time readout of what Z-Seer+ is doing or has done.
- Node Actions - There are two functions to run here, Test All or Full Optimize All. Test will send test packets, small amounts of data to and from each node to measure how well they can communicate. Full Optimize will tell each node to figure out their neighbors and the quickest route back to the controller.
Node Block
Each node in your system is represented by a node block, the components of which are broken down just below. Most nodes will be gray by default, but the explanations for the other colors are as follows:
- Wheat - This is your Z-Wave controller, and should be node 1.
- Green - Indicates a route speed of 100 kbps
- Blue - Indicates a route speed of 40 kbps
- Orange - Indicates a route speed of 9.6 kbps
- Red - This node cannot be reached by your network.
Once you have double-clicked on a node, it will change to one of these colors to represent the speed at which it is operating, of which there are three: 100k, 40k, and 9.6k. These are color-coded as green, blue, and orange, respectively. Do keep in mind that 100k devices will not always be able to operate at full speed, and are affected by the devices they are routing through. The speed of a node and its route cannot be manually adjusted.
Components of the Node Block
- Node Number - Each Z-Wave device is assigned a node number as it is added to a network, and this identifier is located in the top center of each node block. If the node is excluded from tests, the number will turn red.
- Search Indicator - Node numbers will have a black box around them if you perform a search and that node fits your search criteria. If the node has been excluded from tests and shows up as a result of a search, the box will be red, as seen in the example image above.
- Node Speed - This is the maximum possible speed of a node, but not necessarily the speed it is actually operating at.
- Relative Neighbors - The entire bar represents the entirety of your Z-Wave network, while the green portion represents the amount of those devices that a given node is neighbored by.
- Command/Response Test Results - These numbers indicate how many packets were lost in either the command or response tests. Ideally, this number will be zero for both.
- Neighbor - This indicates if the node is a neighbor to the currently selected node.
- Battery Device/Non-listening - This symbol indicates that a node cannot be routed through, and usually will need to be installed very near to a line-powered device.
- Number of Hops - When a D is present here, the node is communicating directly with the Z-Wave controller. Otherwise, there will be a number which relays the amount of hops the node is making to get back to the controller.
Node Block Context Menu
You do have some further options by right clicking on a node, though. These options are as follows:
- Show/Hide Command Route - This operates the same as double clicking on a node.
- Test Node - Selecting this will open a new window which gives you the option to test either the command (receiving data from HS3) or response (sending information back to HS3) capabilities of a node. You can also select the amount of packets to be tested, which are simply small amounts of data used for the sole purpose of testing connectivity. We recommend using 10 or less packets, because if a device is not communicating properly, going higher may make the test last longer than necessary.
- Full Optimize Node - This option will tell the selected node to figure out which devices are its neighbors and which route is the best one back to the network.
- Exclude from Test All and Full Optimize All - Just as the label says, selecting this will exclude the node from global tests, indicated by turning the node number red.
If you are attempting to find a specific node or group of nodes, then you will want to use the search function found in the bottom half of the window.
- Search field - Here, you can type in any information to look for nodes. This includes the device name, manufacturer, or even any of the options found just to the right.
- Speed - This will allow you to search for devices by their maximum possible speed.
- Location 2 - By default, this corresponds to the floor name you have assigned to your devices.
- Location 1 -By default, this corresponds to the room name you have assigned to your devices.