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Set a property in a plugin. The plugin must be enabled and running. If you need to access a function or sub, use PluginFunction .


Parameter: Plugin Name
Type: String
Description: The name of the plugin to access. The plugin must be enabled and running.

Parameter: Instance Name
Type: String
Description: The instance name of the plugin to access if this is a multi-instance plugin. For single instance plugins, pass an empty string

Parameter: Property Name
Type: String
Description: The name of the function to call. The name is case sensitive.

Parameter: Value
Type: Object
Description: The value to set to the property.


Return value: Does not return a value, this is a Sub


The following .vb script will set a property named "ComPort" in the plugin "Acme Widget"

Sample Code

Sub Main(parm as object)
	hs.PluginPropertySet("Acme Widget", "", "ComPort", 2)

End Sub

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