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The Date or Day is...


Date or Day conditions are used to schedule events and may be accessed by selecting The Date or Day Is... from the condition group menu.


Date or Day Conditions

The Date is...Use to choose a specific date
The Date is Before...Use to choose a period before a specific date
The Date is After...Use to choose a period after a specific date
The Day is...Use to choose days of the week
The Date is a Specific Day of the Week of the MonthUse to choose the day that corresponds to the interval of your choice
example: Third Sunday of Any Month
The Date is an Even Day of the MonthUse to choose Dates that are on Even Days of the Month
The Date is an Odd Day of the MonthUse to choose Dates that are on Odd Days of the Month
The Number of Days or Weeks Left in the Month or Year are...Use to choose a period based on number or days or weeks left in in the month or year
example: The number or days left in the year is more than 20
The Day or Week Number of the Year is...

Use to choose a day or week number of the year
example: The day of the year is 240

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