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Update SEL to Mono 5

Information on updating your SEL to mono 5.


Backup your system before making any changes in the Linux OS.

Some plug-ins require Mono version 5 or higher. If you purchased your SEL after 03/01/18, you do not need this script.  DO NOT RUN THIS SCRIPT ON A SYSTEM THAT ALREADY HAS MONO 5 OR HIGHER. To check, follow steps 1-2, and 7. If you do not feel comfortable running the following commands, please contact support and we can remote in and do it for you

To check the systems current mono version run the command "mono --version" from the Linux tools page or from putty.

1) Navigate to Tools > System > Linux Tools

2) Login with the system password that you created when you first set up the device

3) Download the update script using the following command, without quotes "sudo wget"

4) Run the script "sudo sh"

5) The system will automatically reboot, once it is online, test to make sure the error in your log is gone.

7) After completion, connect back to your SEL and run the following command in Linux Tools (Steps 1-2), "mono --version". 

*This procedure can also be performed using SSH (putty)

If you run the above script and get dependency errors (such as libglib2.0 missing). Do the following:
1) Download the update script using the following command, without quotes "sudo wget"
2) Run the script "sudo sh"

3) The system will automatically reboot, once it is online, test to make sure the error in your log is gone.

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