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Using Group Conditions

Information on the group conditions when creating HS4 events


Group Conditions are conditions that are designed to be applied to any or all events within a particular event group.


Create Group Conditions

  1. Navigate to the Events screen and expand the event group you wish to create Group Conditions to.
  2. Click the Edit Group Conditions button
  3. Edit the condition and save.

Apply Group Conditions to Events

By default, Group Conditions are NOT applied to events within the group. You MUST add an event condition to each event you wish to apply a Group Condition to.

  1. Edit the event you wish to apply the Group Condition to
  2. Add this event condition to that event: The Group Conditions Are... and choose whether you wish the Group Conditions to be TRUE or FALSE
  3. Repeat this step for every event in the group you wish to apply the Group Conditions to.

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