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Working with Z-Seer+

If you're using Z-Seer+ for the first time, here are a few suggestions to help you get started. 

  1. Remove Red Node Blocks
    • A red node block represents a non-battery powered node that could not be successfully scanned when Z-Seer+ launched. In some cases, the node may not be currently powered on. This can easily happen with plug-in modules or smart bulbs. Check your network for this possibility, correct and relaunch Z-Seer+.  If you still have red node blocks, those nodes may have been intentionally or accidentally removed from the network but not deleted from the controller or they may have become defective. You can remove these nodes from Z-Seer+ by first removing them from HS3. Use the Remove Bad Node function on the device configuration page as shown below. Then re-include the node into HS3 and launch Z-Seer+ again.
  2. Test Communications
    • The easiest way to diagnose network problems is the run a complete packet test on the entire network. This test analyzes command and response communications for each node. Controls for this test are on the main screen in the Actions section in the lower left corner. Enter "1" into the Packet Count field and click the Test All button. Depending on the size and health of your network, this may take several seconds or several minutes.
    • Individual packet test results will appear at the bottom of each node block with command packet results on the left and response packet results on the right. In the example below, node 46 (on the left) has 0 bad command packets and 0 bad response packets (B=0  B=0). Node 24 (on the right) has 0 bad command packets and 1 bad response packet (B=0  B=1). 
    • In this case, it makes sense to investigate node 24 a bit closer. Right-click on node 24 and choose Test Node. Set the Packet Count to 10 and click Start Response Test.
    • These results indicate that this node will only reliably report it's status back to HS3 about 80% of the time. If the status of this device is used to launch HS3 events, this should definitely be addressed.
  3. Optimize Nodes with Communication Problems
    • Communication problems can often be corrected by optimizing nodes. This process updates the neighbor list, the routing table and the return routes for the problem node. To initiate this, right-click on the problem node and select Full Optimize Node. The process will take a few moments. When finished, run another packet test. If there are still communication problems, double-click the problem node to see which other nodes (if any) are involved in the route. Optimize those nodes too. If problems persist, go to Step 4.
  4. Hardware Fixes
    If node optimization doesn't fix communication problems, the problem may simply be hardware related.. and that will likely require a hardware fix. Here are a few things to try
    • Add more Z-Wave nodes to your installation. If you have very few products installed, your "mesh" network may have some dead spots or weak signal areas. The easiest way to rectify that is by adding more nodes to the network. Plug-in modules and smart bulbs are easy to install and can improve a network very quickly. Consider giving this a try first.
    • Replace older devices with newer Z-Wave Plus devices. Z-Wave Plus products have far greater range and employ feature like "explorer frames" to combat communication issues head on. Consider replacing your outdated hardware if possible.
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