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Z-Seer Overview

Z-Seer+ is a software tool that's designed to help diagnose and treat the health of a HomeSeer system's Z-Wave network. 

Users with Multiple Z-Wave Interfaces

Z-Seer+ is designed to work with one Z-Wave interface at a time. If you have multiple Z-NETs installed, Z-Seer+ will only connect to one at a time. Be sure to power down the other one(s) when connecting to Z-Seer+.


Z-Seer+ will reveal the following information for any device (node) in the network:

  • Z-Wave node numbers
  • Z-Wave neighbor list
  • Precise command route
  • Number of wireless hops in command route
  • Node communication health 

In addition, Z-Seer+ includes these tools:

  • Graphical network map covering all devices
  • Full network and individual device communication tests (command and return routes)
  • Individual device optimization (resets command routes)

What You'll Need

  • PC running Windows 7 (or later) and with Microsoft .NET 4.52 (or later) installed
  • Any home automation system running HomeSeer HS3 or HS3PRO software
  • Z-Wave Plug-in v3.0.1.124 or later must be installed
  • 500 Series (Z-Wave Plus) controller required to show route information (includes HomeSeer SmartStick+, HomeSeer Z-NET, Nortek HUSBZ, UZB Stick or Aeon Labs Z-Stick GEN5)

Attention: Users with Multiple Z-Wave Interfaces (controllers) 

Z-Seer+ is designed to work with one Z-Wave interface at a time. If you have multiple Z-NETs installed, Z-Seer+ will only connect to one at a time. Be sure to power down the other one(s) when connecting to Z-Seer+.

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