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Testing Installation

After you have created your plugin ZIP file you should test the installation locally to make sure the install works properly. Follow the following steps.

  1. Create a JSON file that describes your plugin and name the file updater_override.json. This file should be placed in the HomeSeer root folder. Here is a sample that you can use a template:
    "ShortDescription":"This plugin takes snapshots from IP cameras",

  2. The important fields are:
    ZipFile: Enter the filename of your zip file and save the zip file in the HomeSeer root folder.
    EXEFile: Enter the name of your EXE file
    ID: The ID you assigned to your plugin.
    PackageName, Version, AuthorShortDescription: These will appear in the UI when you install the plugin
    Tags: These will allow users to search for your plugin and can be tested from the "Add" menu item in the Plugins menu
  3. After editing the file, save it in the HomeSeer root folder as "updater_override.json"
  4. To test, select "Add" from the Plugins menu. You should only see ONE available plugin, the one described in the file. Click on the plugin to install it. It should install properly.
  5. The UC field is used to note if the plugin is for Windows, Linux, or both. For testing leave this as "63", this will allow the plugin to be installed on Windows and Linux.
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