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A Counter's Value is...


These triggers are used to execute events based on the changing value of counters. They may be accessed by selecting A Counter's Value is... from the trigger group menu.



Counter Triggers

A Counter's Value becomes this:This trigger will execute an event when a counter is changed to a specific value.
A Counter's Value is this or a Multiple of this:This trigger will execute an event when a counter becomes a specific value or multiple of that value.
A Counter's Value has Exceeded this:This trigger will execute an event when a counter has exceeded a specific value.
A Counter's Value has Exceeded this or a Multiple of this:This trigger will execute an event when a counter has exceeded a specific value or multiple of that value.
A Counter's Value is this Absolute Value:This trigger will execute an event when a counter is changed to a positive or negative of a specific value.
A Counter's Value is this or a Multiple of this Absolute Value:This trigger will execute an event when a counter is changed to a positive or negative of a specific value or multiple of that value
A Counter's Value has Exceeded this Absolute Value:This trigger will execute an event when a counter has exceeded a positive or negative of a specific value.
A Counter's Value has Exceeded this or a Multiple of this Absolute Value:This trigger will execute an event when a counter has exceeded a positive or negative of a specific value or multiple of that value.

Absolute values may be positive or negative numbers.


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