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A Device's Value Is...


Device triggers are used to execute events based on the changing value or status of devices. They may be accessed by selecting  A Device's Value Is... from the trigger group menu.


Device Triggers



This Device Changes and Becomes...

Use this trigger to execute an event when a device changes from one state to another. 

This Device Has Been/For at Least...

This trigger has been deprecated and has been converted to a condition. It remains on this menu for legacy events but it cannot be used to create new events.

This Device Has Been/For Exactly...

Use this trigger to execute an event when a device has been a specific status or value for an exact period of time. 
The Device Had its Value Set and is Not Equal to...Use this trigger to execute an event when a device has been set to something that is not equal to a specific status or value.. 
The Device Had its Value Set and is Greater Than...Use this trigger to execute an event when a device has been set to something that is greater than a specific value.
The Device Had its Value Set and is Less Than...Use this trigger to execute an event when a device has been set to something that is less than a specific value.
The Device Has a Value That Just Changed:Use this trigger to execute an event when a device's value has just been changed from one thing to another.
The Device Had it's Value Set To...Use this trigger to execute an event when a device's value has just been set to a specific value.
The Device Just Had it's Value Set or Changed.Use this trigger to execute an event when a device's value has just been set to anything at all (including the same value).

Note: Sunrise and sunset calculations are based upon the location settings of your HS4 system and the time and time zone settings of your operating system. You can access your HS4 location settings on the General tab in HS4 Setup.

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