A notification trigger is generated when a new notification has been received. Notifications are generated by either the system itself, or from HomeSeer.
If a notification is available, a number will be displayed on the notification bell at the top of the page.
Clicking on the bell will display the notification page which lists the available notifications.
Options on this page:
Click the "Mark Read" button to hide the notification. If you need to get it back, click on the icon. This will display all notifications, even notifications that have been read. Click it again to hide the notifications are marked as read.
To mark all notifications read, click on the icon.
Notifications that have been marked as read will be permanently deleted 30 days after they have been received.
HS4 checks for new notifications from HomeSeer every 4 hours or if the notifications page is refreshed.
Internally generated messages using the "Create Notification" event action are displayed immediately.
Notification Triggers
Promotion Notification
Can only be generated by HomeSeer. It will be used to send information about product sales.
Updates Notification
Can be generated by either HomeSeer or HS4. HS4 will generate this notification if it detects that HS4 itself has an update available or if a plugin has an update available. Only plugins that are installed can potentially show an update. If a plugin is a Beta version any updates will also cause a trigger.
News Notification
Can only be generated by HomeSeer. This is generic information such as HS4 tips, or product information.
Alert Notification
Can only be generated by HS4. Alerts can be generated by the following events in the HS4 system:
A plugin fails to load
An HS4 event is created that generates a notification. See the "Create Notification" action.
Any Notification
Trigger on any type of notification.
Note: Sunrise and sunset calculations are based upon the location settings of your HS4 system and the time and time zone settings of your operating system. You can access your HS4 location settings on the General tab in HS4 Setup.
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