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Categories are attributes than can be assigned to devices (and features) to provide enhanced grouping and organization beyond HS4's basic location attributes. A list of default categories are included with HS4 and users can create their own custom categories. There is no limit to the number of categories that can created and assigned.

Sample categories:

  • Lights (or Lighting)
  • Appliances
  • Sensors
  • Security
  • Emergency
  • Weather
  • Occupancy
  • Locks
  • Water

Adding Categories

  1. Click on Setup, then click the Categories tab.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list, type in your Category Name and click the add button.

Deleting Categories

  1. Click on Setup, then click the Categories tab.
  2. Located the category you wish to delete and click the trash can icon at the right side of that row.

Note: Deleting categories from this master list will also remove those categories from all devices and features.

Assigning Categories to Devices or Features

Individual Edit

  1. Click on Devices. You may use either grid view or list view. However, list view simplifies the process of adding categories to features.
  2. Click the name of the device or feature you wish to assign a category to.
  3. Click the Add Category button and select the category.

Bulk Edit (allows addition of one or more categories to one or more devices / features in one operation)

  1. Click on Devices, click the List View button, click the Enable Bulk Edit button.
  2. Check the box to the left of the devices and / or features you wish to assign categories to.
  3. Click the name of the device or feature you wish to assign a category to.
  4. Click the Bulk Action button (above the device list) and select Add Category from the bulk action list. 
  5. Check the box before each category you wish to add, then click the Save button.

Removing Categories From Devices or Features

  1. Click on Devices. You may use either grid view or list view. However, list view simplifies the process of removing categories from features.
  2. Click the name of the device or feature you wish to remove a category from. All assigned categories will appear as gray buttons.
  3. Click the x on the gray button to remove the category from the device or feature.

Using Categories

Once categories have been assigned, they may be used to group devices and features in the following manner:

  1. Click on Devices. Both grid view and list view will work, though list view does provide a more granular grouping of categorized devices and features.
  2. Click the CATEGORY filter button (above the devices) and select the categories you wish to filter your view with.

Note: If using grid view, the entire grid block will always display if any feature of that device is assigned to the filtered category(s).

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