Use the settings on this page to configure various custom options. To access network settings, click on Setup, then Custom.
Site Settings
- Site Name: determines the name that appears in the center of the dark blue header bar at the top of HS4 web screens.
- Show Device Ref on Status Page: unchecked by default. Check to show the reference number of each device on the Devices page (List View Only). This is useful for identifying devices used in scripts.
- Show Device Address on Device List Page: unchecked by default. Check to show the address number of each device on the Devices page (List View Only). This is useful for identifying devices used in scripts.
- Location 1 Label: use to identify location 1 type. Default is Room.
- Location 2 Label: use to identify location 2 type. Default is Floor.
- Display Location 1 First: unchecked by default. Normally HS4 displays location 2 (Floor) first before location 1 (Room). Check this box to reverse that.
- Max Devices to Display: use this field to limit the maximum number of devices displayed on the Devices page. This will improve loading time on large systems. Default is 500.
Startup Settings
HS4 can execute scripts on startup and shutdown if desired. An example script (Startup.vb) is provided for your reference.
- Startup Script: enter the name of the script you wish to run when the system starts up. Default is Startup.vb. This script will issue a "Welcome to HomeSeer" spoken announcement to connected speaker clients on startup.
- Shutdown Script: empty by default. Enter the name of the script you wish to run when the system shuts down.
Save Your Work!
Be sure to click the SAVE button at the bottom of the page after you're finished editing.