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Device Type


In previous versions of HomeSeer, the device type was a string property and a value that was used to describe the capabilities of the device.  The string value was used to find a specific set of device capabilities, and HomeSeer would create a new device type (with a numerical suffix at the end) whenever it discovered that the device was modified from what the device type said it should have as capabilities.

In HomeSeer HS3, the high level meaning is very similar, but the functionality is different enough that NOTHING in reference to the previous versions should be re-used.

Device_Type_String is a string value which has absolutely no bearing on functionality of the device.  This string is what is displayed for the device type if that column of information is enabled on the device utility page.  The value is accessed through the plug-in interface, which is a one-way interface requiring the passing of the HomeSeer application interface object when it is changed or when the most current value is retrieved.

DeviceType is an object (DeviceTypeInfo) with properties and procedures.  The information stored is used in several of the APIs that HomeSeer supports to describe the device's role in the API.  The DeviceType consists of three high-level items:  The API designation, the device type, and the device sub-type.   These (and the lower-level informational items) are described in the sub-topics to this entry.


The Device Class object has two properties pertaining to device type descriptions:
DeviceType_Get (Read Only)
DeviceType_Set (Write Only)



Sample Code


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