This Enum holds values referencing individual bits in an integer which indicate different characteristics of a device.
Enum dvMISC As UInteger
NO_LOG = 8 ' No logging to the log for this device
STATUS_ONLY = &H10 ' Device cannot be controlled
HIDDEN = &H20 ' Device is hidden from the device utility page when
' Hide Marked is used.
INCLUDE_POWERFAIL = &H80 ' The device's state is restored if power failure
' recovery is enabled
SHOW_VALUES = &H100 ' If not set, device control options will not be displayed.
AUTO_VOICE_COMMAND = &H200 ' When set, this device is included in the voice recognition
' context for device commands.
VOICE_COMMAND_CONFIRM = &H400 ' When set, voice commands for this device are confirmed.
NO_STATUS_TRIGGER = &H20000 ' If set, the device status values will not appear
' in the device change trigger.
CONTROL_POPUP = &H100000 ' The controls for this device should appear in a popup
' window on the device utility page.
End Enum