Returns all values in the given INI section. Each entry in the section is separated with a NULL character.
Parameter: section
Type: string
Description: Name of the section in the INI file to get, like "Settings" for the HomeSeer settings section.
Parameter: filename
Type: string
Description: File name of the INI file to access, such as "settings.ini". The file name is relative to the "config" folder in the HomeSeer program directory (C:\Program Files\HomeSeer 2\Config by default).
Return value: ini section
Type: string
Sample Code
Sub Main(ByVal Parms As Object)
Dim Items() As String
Dim Section As String
Section = hs.GetINISection("Settings", "settings.ini")
Items = Section.Split(Chr(0))
If Items IsNot Nothing AndAlso Items.Count > 0 Then
For Each s As String In Items
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(s) Then Continue For
hs.WriteLog("Items", s)
End If
End Sub