Description and usage for HS4 "in-app" notifications
Notifications may be generated from HomeSeer corp, from your HS4 system, or from HS4 events. Each notification will be assigned a notification category and will appear in its own card on the Notifications page of the HS4 UI. A notification bubble on the bell icon (near the SEARCH button) will appear when new notifications are available. In this example, 3 new notifications are available.
Notification Categories
News | These notifications may include new product or feature announcements, changes to HomeSeer policies or services, or news stories that feature HomeSeer in some manner. These notifications can only be issued by HomeSeer corp. Users may opt out of news notifications if desired.
Updates | These notifications will announce new versions of HomeSeer software (issued by HomeSeer Corp) or updates to installed plugins (issued by your HomeSeer system).
Promotions | These notifications will announce special product or service sales and can only be issued by HomeSeer corp. Users may opt out of promotion notifications if desired.
Alerts | Alert notifications will be issued under these 2 circumstances:
Clicking the bell icon will open this page and display all available notifications, such as these.
Options on this page:
Click the MARK READ button at the bottom of a card to hide that notification. All read notifications are hidden by default. Click the button to UN-Hide all notifications.
To mark all notifications as read, click on the icon.
Notifications in HS4 Events
We've added triggers and actions to allow users to generate their own notifications and to do other things when notifications are issued. Learn more about this by clicking the links below:
Pruning | All notifications will be permanently deleted 30 days after they have been marked as read.
Checking | HS4 checks for new notifications from HomeSeer corp every 4 hours or if the bell icon is clicked or the notifications page is refreshed. Internally generated notifications are displayed immediately.
Filtering Notifications
Settings are provided to filter notifications for promotions and news, if desired. To access these, navigate to the Setup > General tab of HS4.
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