strEventData (All)
This structure is used as a single return or array return from functions providing information about events. Descriptions of each member of the structure are below.
Sample Code
Public Structure strEventData
Public Event_Ref As Integer ' The event reference ID number.
Public Event_Name As String ' The event name
Public Event_Type As String ' The event type, if used.
Public GroupID As Integer ' The event group reference ID number.
Public GroupName As String ' The event group name.
Public UserNote As String ' The user's note contents.
Public Last_Triggered As Date ' The time the event was last triggered or Date.MinValue if it has not been triggerd before.
Public Retrigger_Delay As TimeSpan ' If the event is prevented from triggering within a given amount of time, this timespan will contain that time period.
Public Flag_Enabled As Boolean ' True if the event is enabled for automatic triggering.
Public Flag_Delete_After_Trigger As Boolean ' True if the event is deleted from the system after it triggers.
Public Flag_Do_Not_Log As Boolean ' True if the event is set to not log information when it is triggered.
Public Flag_Delayed_Event As Boolean ' True if the event was created as a result of a delayed action or trigger.
Public Flag_Include_in_Powerfail As Boolean ' True if the event is to be included in powerfailure recovery.
Public Flag_Security As Boolean ' True if the event trigger(s) can be modified by a random amount when the security feature is enabled.
Public Flag_Priority_Event As Boolean ' True if the event is set to not have its execution queued.
Public Action_Count ' The number of actions in this event.
Public Actions As String() ' The list (array) of actions in action_type : action_name format.
Public Trigger_Count As Integer ' The total number of triggers and conditions in this event.
Public Trigger_Group_Count As Integer ' The number of trigger groups (If / Or If) in the event.
Public Trigger_Groups As strEventTriggerGroupData() ' The list (array of structure) of triggers in each trigger group.
End Structure