Plugin Information
Product Name – This is the name that will show up in your HomeSeer Shop listing. Your name will automatically have your Brand
inserted and ‘Software Plugin for HS4’ when uploaded to the shop. Do not enter your Brand
Status –
New - Brand New plugin
Edited - A plugin is in progress. If your plugin needs changes or is rejected, this is the state
Submitted - Once an author has submitted their plugin, this status triggers the rep to review
Approved - A HomeSeer rep has approved your plugin and it is in the queue for publishing
Published - Most recent updates have been pushed to the updater and the Shop
Deleted - Plugin no longer exists and was removed from the updater
Current Price – This is the price you want to sell the plugin at. If you ever wish to put your plugin on sale, this is the field you will change. For FREE plugins, enter 0.
Regular Price – This is the normal price that the plugin is sold at. Regular and Current Price should be the same if your plugin is not on sale. For FREE plugins, enter 0.
Plugin Version Number – The current version number of your release plugin.
Plugin Zip File (Windows/Linux) – Upload the zip used to install your plugin. Please adhere to the normal plugin zip guidelines. See your developer agreement and API for instructions.
Plugin Zip File (Linux) – Use this uploader ONLY if you have a separate Linux file for your plugin
Image For Updater – This is the 128x128 image that will show up next to your plugin in the Updater.
Overview – On your Shop listing there is a section that briefly explains what the plugin does. Maximum 500 words. No HTML.
Category – This is for HS3 plugins only. This is what determines which category your plugin will show up in within the HS3 Updater.
Summary – This is a brief description of the plugin that will appear on the plugin card in the Updater. Maximum 200 characters. No HTML.
Tags – These are keywords that can be added that can be used when searching for the plugin in the updater. Tags must relate to the plugin.
Features – This section is for adding the features of your plugins and will show up as Main Features on your product listing on the HomeSeer Shop. Enter a feature and click Add. Each Add is one Feature listing.
Requirements – You may add your own requirements such as hardware or other software components. Enter a requirement and click Add. Each Add is one requirement listing. We automatically add ‘HomeSeer HS4 or HS4PRO’ and ‘Works with Windows and Linux’ (or just Windows) to the requirements on your product listing.
Forum Link URL – Provide the link to your existing plugin thread on the HomeSeer Forum. If your link does not exist, a HomeSeer rep will create it and provide the link before publishing.
User Guide – If the author has a separate guide they want to include, upload a PDF version of the guide here.
Product Website URL – This is the product page on the HomeSeer shop. If you are creating a new plugin, this will be entered by a HomeSeer rep after creation. If you already have one, enter it here.
Embedded Video URL – Enter the embedded video URL for a video that will be shown on the product page in the HomeSeer shop.
Product Pic for Shopify – The main product image for your HomeSeer shop listing. Please see the Product Image Guidelines for image requirements.
Submission Notes – This section is where you can communicate back and forth with a HomeSeer rep. If you have questions or notes to provide to a rep, put them here. A HomeSeer rep will also use this section to let you know why your product was rejected or if changes need to be made.
Save – This will save your work but not submit your plugin for review. Saving does not do any guideline checks.
Submit – Clicking Submit will put your product in Submitted Status and Save the product. From there a HomeSeer rep will approve the plugin and submit it to the Updater and Shop OR reject it and give you notes on why.
Cancel – Removes any changes that have been applied since last Save or Submit