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DeviceTypeInfo Object


The DeviceType object (DeviceTypeInfo) is accessed directly from the device class object using the _Get and _Set properties.   When a change is made to the DeviceTypeInfo object, _Set must be called to post the change to the device, and then hs.SaveEventsDevices should be called to force HomeSeer to save the device change.


The prototype for the class is:

    Public Class DeviceTypeInfo 

        Public Property Device_API As eDeviceAPI
        Public ReadOnly Property Device_API_Description As String
        Public Property Device_Type As Integer
        Public ReadOnly Property Device_Type_Description As String
        Public Property Device_SubType As Integer
        Public Property Device_SubType_Description As String

    End Class




Sample Code

	Retrieve the DeviceTypeInfo object:

		Dim DT as DeviceAPI.DeviceTypeInfo = Nothing
		 ' The device has a reference ID of 1234
		dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(1234)
		DT = dv.DeviceType_Get(hs)
		If DT IsNot Nothing Then
		End If

	Change the DeviceTypeInfo and Save the change

		Dim DT As DeviceAPI.DeviceTypeInfo = Nothing

Dim dv As Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass = Nothing
 ' The device has a reference ID of 1234
dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(1234)
If dv Is Nothing Then .... (log an error and exit the procedure)
		DT = dv.DeviceType_Get(hs)

		If DT IsNot Nothing Then

			DT.Device_API = DeviceAPI.DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Plug_In
			dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT
		End If

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