This will change the pair type of an existing value/status pair.
Public Function DeviceVSP_ChangePair(ByVal dvRef As Integer, _
ByVal Existing As VSPair, _
ByVal NewType As ePairStatusControl) As Boolean
hs.DeviceVSP_ChangePair(ref, Existing, NewType)
ref= device reference #
Existing = The current VSPair (value/status pair) object that is set on the device.
NewType = The new ePairStatusControl type (Status, Control, Both) that you want the pair type changed to.
For example, to change the pair type from Status to Both:
hs.DeviceVSP_ChangePair(ref, Pair, ePairStatusControl.Both)
You can check the return value (Boolean) to determine if it was successful or not.