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Interact with security systems with the information here.


Public Enum eDeviceType_Security
    Alarm = 1                           ' Alarm status & control (shows alarms that have occurred and 
    '                                         can also invoke an alarm - e.g. Duress)
    Arming = 10                        ' Arming status & control (shows the state of the security arming and can set arming state)
    Keypad = 20                       ' Keypad status & control
    Zone_Perimeter = 30            ' A perimeter zone
    Zone_Perimeter_Delay = 31   ' A perimeter zone with a violation alarm delay
    Zone_Interior = 32               ' An interior zone (not normally armed in stay mode)
    Zone_Interior_Delay = 33      ' An interior zone (with a violation alarm delay when armed)
    Zone_Auxiliary = 34              ' An aux zone, not usually included in any arming mode
    Zone_Other = 35                 ' A zone that does not fit any other zone description
    Zone_Safety_Smoke = 40     ' A smoke detector zone (not allowed to be bypassed)
    Zone_Safety_CO = 41          ' A Carbon Monoxide zone (not allowed to be bypassed)
    Zone_Safety_CO2 = 42         ' A Carbon Dioxide zone (not allowed to be bypassed)
    Zone_Safety_Other = 43       ' A zone for some other safety sensor that cannot be bypassed
    Output_Relay = 50               ' A general purpose output relay
    Output_Other = 51               ' A general purpose output (could be virtual as in a 'flag' output)
    Communicator = 60              ' Communicator status and (if available) control
    Siren = 70                          ' Siren output - status usually - control follows alarm state.
    Root = 99                           ' Indicates a root device of a root/child grouping.
End Enum




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